Content Posted in 2015
Ableism: Refuting the marginalization of disabled students by empowering school leaders, Yvrose Pierre
A collective case study of the mediational tools used by undergraduates in academic writing across languages, Alessia Valfredini
A community at war: The Bronx and crack cocaine, Noel K Wolfe
A Critique of Bourdieu and Passeron’s Educational Reform in The Inheritors, Daniel McCabe
Acts of oblivion: The politics of remembering, forgetting, and forgiving on the Restoration stage, 1660-1700, Anthony Alfred Brano
A defense of truth monism, Xingming Hu
A Diversity Policy Model and Assessment: Debates and Challenges of [Media] Diversity, Kim McCann
Advergames as a developmental challenge to children's processing of persuasive messages, Jessica Marie Williams
Advertising authorship: Writers, publicity, and American literary culture, 1720-1830, Patricia F Tarantello
After Fukushima: The Equivalence of Catastrophes, Jean-Luc Nancy
Aggregating multiple probability intervals to improve their calibration, Saemi Park
Ahmed, Ramatu, Bronx African American History Project
A Hylomorphic Theory of Composite Material Substances, Shane Maxwell Wilkins
Alexander, Earle, Bronx African American History Project
Allen. Ray, Bronx African American History Project
Altschul, Barry, Bronx African American History Project
Amosso, Agossou and Comlanvi Bamezon, Bronx African American History Project
Ampah, Kojo, Bronx African American History Project
An art patron and his housemaid: William Mulready's portrait of John Sheepshanks, Kathryn Moore Heleniak
An English Gentleman's Encounter with Islamic Architecture: Henry Swinburne's Travels through Spain (1779), Kathryn Moore Heleniak
An examination of the relationship between psychopathy and recidivism in juvenile sex offenders, Charity Wijetunga
A nonparametric approach to multifactor modeling, Michael J Gallagher
An option-based partial credit item response model, Yuanchao Bo
Anxiety in children and adolescents with food allergies: A longitudinal study, Melissa Rubes
Anxiety, the Most Revelatory of Moods, John T. Whalen
Archible, Leroi, Bronx African American History Project
Aristotle’s Category Construction and the Why Behind It, Margaret Rae Titcomb
Armstrong, Gregory, Bronx African American History Project
Arsinoe II as Epic Queen: Encomiastic Allusion in Theocritus, Idyll 15*, Andrew Foster
Asserting authority: Power structures and self-care in the "Apophthegmata Patrum", Zachary Bill Smith
A survey of transition practices for high school students with learning disabilities, Amy MacKenzie
A Tale of Two Radios: Tracing Advocacy in a Deregulatory Milieu, Vibodh Parthasarathi and Supriya Chotani
Attah-Mensah, Nana, Bronx African American History Project
Audience Measurement, the Diversity Principle, and the First Amendment Right to Construct the Audience, Philip M. Napoli
Autism spectrum disorders: Developmental, individual-difference, relationship-based (DIR)/Floortime outcomes, Emily Alice Rentz
Bailey, Helen, Bronx African American History Project
Baily, Mary, Bronx African American History Project
Bataan, Joe, Bronx African American History Project
Bats in New York City: An Acoustic Survey and the Role of Green Roofs, Kaitlyn L Parkins
Baye, Mamadou, Bronx African American History Project
Beckford, Hugh, Bronx African American History Project
Belton, Frank Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Belton, Frank Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Bergland, Beatrice and Bergland, Harriet, Bronx African American History Project
Best, Gloria and Best, Adrian, Bronx African American History Project
Beyond the school day: Identifying key elements of effective out-of-school time STEM instruction, Christopher Smith
Bilingual Social Workers in New York City: A Comparative Study Exploring the Benefits Accrued from Bilingualism and the Challenges Encountered in Their Work, Aminda Heckman Chomanczuk
Black, Phil, Bronx African American History Project
Blakeney, James, Bronx African American History Project
Boadu, Mary, Bronx African American History Project
Boakye, Benjamin, Bronx African American History Project
Bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) nesting ecology: Implications for conservation and management, Suzanne Macey
Bollywood and Hollywood: Mirrors of Societies' Perceptions of Women?, Roshni Jaura
Bonneau, Jackie Smith, Bronx African American History Project
Bonsu, Sonia, Bronx African American History Project
Booked: Sexuality and taste in American crime fiction, Martin J Northrop
Book Review: Vygotsky and Education: Connecting Theory and Practice in Linguistically Diverse Classrooms, Bobbie Kabuto
Braithwaite, John, Bronx African American History Project
Brath, Elombe, Bronx African American History Project
Brathwaite, Kwame, Bronx African American History Project
Brewington, Dean, Bronx African American History Project
Brifu, Karen, Bronx African American History Project
Brown, Donald, Bronx African American History Project
Brown, Genevieve, Bronx African American History Project
Brown, June, Bronx African American History Project
Brown, Roscoe, Bronx African American History Project
Brown, Rosemary, Bronx African American History Project
Buapim, Veronica, Bronx African American History Project
Burbridge, Richard and Doris Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Burbridge, Richard and Doris Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Byas, John and Danny Martinez, Bronx African American History Project
Cadogan, Marjorie, Bronx African American History Project
Caines, Robert Jr., Bronx African American History Project
Calderon, Nicholas Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Calderon, Nicholas Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Calhoun, Annie, Bronx African American History Project
Calling Science Pseudoscience: Fleck’s Archaeologies of Fact and Latour’s ‘Biography of an Investigation’ in AIDS Denialism and Homeopathy, Babette Babich
Cannon, Paul and Williams, Jerald and Johnson, Woodrow, Bronx African American History Project
Capers, Valerie Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Capers, Valerie Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Capers, Valerie Interview 3, Bronx African American History Project
Caring for a son with anorexia: The psychosocial impact on mothers, Jessica Lennon Whitney
Carr, Sylvia, Bronx African American History Project
Carson, Ron, Bronx African American History Project
Carter, Anthony, Bronx African American History Project
Carving the eighteenth-century corpus: Early modern anatomy and the writings of Pope, Richardson, Godwin, and Baillie, Angela Monsam
Cedeno, Luis, Bronx African American History Project
Ceesay, Yandeh, Bronx African American History Project
Cenance, Robin, Bronx African American History Project
Central bank transparency: Examining volatility in output and financial markets, Justine A Wood
Challenging the Catholic church: Constructing a social ethics of racial solidarity, Krista Leeann Stevens
Chappell, AJ and Minor, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
Chappell, Marguerite, Bronx African American History Project
Chasing Ghosts: A Memoir of a Father, Gone to War [Table of Contents], Louise DeSalvo
Chianese, Dominic, Bronx African American History Project
Christian, Samuel, Bronx African American History Project
Client perceptions of the fee in community mental health centers, Christina Lecker
Cognitive and sociopolitical constructs of writing proficiency on a New York English Regents examination, Catherine Longmore
Coleman, Dennis and McFeaters, Harriet Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Coleman, Dennis and McFeaters, Harriet Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Coleman, Dennis and McFeaters, Harriet Interview 3, Bronx African American History Project
Colley, Joanne, Bronx African American History Project
Combinatorial fusion analysis: Applications for cyber security and e-discovery, Erin M Burke
Concordia as an historiographical principle in Sallust and Augustine, Matthew Adam Keil
Contents, Akadimia Filosofia Staff
Conzo, Joe Jr., Bronx African American History Project
Cool: How Air Conditioning Changed Everything [Table of Contents], Salvatore Basile
Coolie, Derrick, Bronx African American History Project
Cost-effectiveness analysis of a school-based social and emotional learning and literacy intervention, Katherine Long
Crichlow, Gertrude and Hennessy, Adrianne and Dorsett, Virginia and Boney, Miriam, Bronx African American History Project
Crier, Arthur, Bronx African American History Project
Criminal Thinking, Alliance, and Psychological Functioning of Offenders in Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment, Rebecca Linn-Walton
Cruse, Harrison Jr., Bronx African American History Project
Cruz, Marilyn, Bronx African American History Project
Dacosta, Linval, Bronx African American History Project
DaCosta, Lisa, Bronx African American History Project
D'Augustino, Bronx African American History Project
Davidson, Jessie, Bronx African American History Project
Davis, Gloria, Bronx African American History Project
Davis, Ronald and Davis, Sara, Bronx African American History Project
Decoupling environmental filtering and host specificity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in a Bornean lowland tropical rainforest, Adam Lang Essene
De La Luz, Caridad, Bronx African American History Project
Developmental differences in attributions and self-worth among students with and without learning disabilities, Jaime Lyn Rice
Diaz, Rebel, Bronx African American History Project
Dioup, Mouhamadou, Bronx African American History Project
Discrimination, psychological well-being, and the role of ethnic/racial identity among ethnic/racial minority adolescents: Two longitudinal studies, Kristina Kulkarni
Diversity 2.0: Rethinking Audiences, Participation, and Policies, Minna Aslama and Philip M. Napoli
Does cultural competence moderate treatment outcomes for depressed ethnic minority adolescents?, Norissa Williams
Domain-specific metacognitive calibration in children with learning disabilities, Neil Crane
Drammeh, Sheikh Moussa, Bronx African American History Project
Driskell, Dana, Bronx African American History Project
Dukes, Nathan, Bronx African American History Project
Editors Note, Michael S. Dauber
Embraced by the locals: Perception and acceptance of foreign aid, Gianluigi Lopes
Embracing the barbarian: John Chrysostom's pastoral care of the Goths, Jonathan Peter Stanfill
EQuALITY: Empowering Queer, Allied, and Trans* Youth, Jessica J. Schpero, Amanda C. Hayden, Nazli Boroshan, and Kathy Huynh
Essays on Exchange Rate Volatility in Emerging Markets, Helena Katherine Keefe
Essays on government spending and the business cycle, Juan F Guerra-Salas
Estimation of heterogeneity of treatment effect using EM algorithm, Evgeniya Reshetnyak
Ethnic identity, acculturative stress, life satisfaction, and ways of coping among Greek-Americans, Sophie George Michelakou
Evaluating the effects of training in incidental teaching in instructors of students with autism, Holly Rittenhouse-Cea
Evans, Howie, Bronx African American History Project
Everich, William, Bronx African American History Project
Examining the role of classroom environment on peer comparisons and academic outcomes among preadolescents, Kristin Marie Tortorici
Executive function inhibition as moderator of the anxiety-intelligence relationship, Susan Jean Kozelka
Experiences of unemployment in young adulthood following the 2007-2009 economic recession, Gregory Andrew Welikson
Exploratory model of multicultural personality, bicultural competence, minority stress, and the impact on college persistence, Hilary Murphy
Exploring the concept of "passing" in biracial Asian-White college students, Natasha Giardino Black
Exploring the district-wide school counselor leader's role in creating a college readiness culture, Stanton Louis Brown
Extraction of latent class progressions in a longitudinal study with applications in educational and behavioral science data, Jennifer Lord-Bessen
Faculty Research Directory, Akadimia Filosofia Staff
Fishing For a Sustainable Future: Aquaponics as a Method of Food Production, Richard Ramsundar
Five Long Winters: The Trials of British Romanticism, John Bugg
Fleet, James, Bronx African American History Project
Ford, Bernadette, Bronx African American History Project
Fortune, Monique, Bronx African American History Project
Foster, Gertrude, Bronx African American History Project
Fox, Hetty, Bronx African American History Project
From Slave Ship to Harvard: Yarrow Mamout and the History of an African American Family [Table of Contents and Introduction], James H. Johnston
From the Bodies of Bees: Classical and Christian Echoes in Surat al Nahl, Andrew Foster
From The Web Into The World: An Analysis of Millennial Environmentalism, Cherokee McAnelly
Getting at the Rapture of Seeing: Ellsworth Kelly and Visual Experience, Leo J. O'Donovan SJ
Going Green: Tackling the Challenge of Midwestern Algae Blooms, Rebecca E. Elzinga
Goodwin, Welvin, Bronx African American History Project
Grayson, Clydia, Bronx African American History Project
Greene, Aurelia, Bronx African American History Project
Greene, David, Bronx African American History Project
Greening a Drug-Addicted Economy: Can Puerto Rico Ease Away from the Toxic Pharmaceutical Industry to a Sustainably Diverse Economy?, Natalie Galarza
Gregg, Earnest, Bronx African American History Project
Gregory of Nyssa's "Contra eunomium": Context, method, and theology, Matthew R Lootens
Gumbs, Robert Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Gumbs, Robert Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Hanson, Avis Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Hanson, Avis Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Harding, Vincent, Bronx African American History Project
Harrell, Zainabu, Bronx African American History Project
Harris, Claire, Bronx African American History Project
Harry Potter, Master of Love, Charles S. Holland
Hartfield, Regina, Bronx African American History Project
Hawai'i's twentieth century working women: Labor feminists in their own right, Megan Elizabeth Diskin Monahan
Hayes, Christopher, Bronx African American History Project
Health Literacy Knowledge and Experiences of Social Workers at North Shore-LIJ Health System, Elizabeth C McCulloch
Heidegger and Our Twenty-first Century Experience of Ge-Stell, Theoore Kisiel
Heterologous embryo transfer as an act of adoption: A moral analysis based on a Catholic theology of adoption, John A Krivak
Heterosexual Chinese Americans' experiences of their lesbian and gay sibling's coming out, Jill Huang
Hidden biases of psychological clinicians against mothers of children with anorexia nervosa, Sophie Karp
Hill, Elighu Eldrid, Bronx African American History Project
Hill, Lamar, Bronx African American History Project
Himmelstein, Paul, Bronx African American History Project
Hinds, Burmadine, Bronx African American History Project
Hines, Eric and Johnson, Lance and Wheeler, David, Bronx African American History Project
Home Gardens: A Key to a Sustainable Future, Keara C. Galvin
Hope, Bertha, Bronx African American History Project
How does the role of the assistant principal impact students' learning outcomes, Caterina Di Tillio
How the Liberian Women Managed to Succeed, and Thrive, after Fourteen Years of Civil War, Katherine Elizabeth Parker
Human Rights and Prison Rape, Lenny Gallo
Hydroponic Farming: An Opportunity for South Bronx Communities, Adam Keally
Ignorance Is Not Bliss, Tommy Tsang
Images of the future now: Autonomy, professionalism, and efficacy, Rose Green Willner
Imagine No Religion: How Modern Abstractions Hide Ancient Realities [Table of Contents], Carlin A. Barton and Daniel Boyarin
Imprinted products: Domestic manufactures and nineteenth century American literature, Julie Beth Fifelski
Interactive performance and the early modern stage, Kirk Quinsland
Internalized stereotypes and ethnic identity as predictors of self-esteem and help-seeking in Chinese Americans, E. Sarah Kwan
Introduction to Book Review: Bi-multilingual Language Knowledge as an Element of Funds of Knowledge, Patricia Velasco
Investigating the Relations among Different Measures of False Memory, Francesca Falzarano
Jackson, Jack, Bronx African American History Project
Jawo, Omar, Bronx African American History Project
Jenkins, Arthur, Bronx African American History Project
John R. Searle. Seeing Things As They Are, Michael S. Dauber
Johnson, Gwendolyn and Banks, Janet, Bronx African American History Project
Johnson, Olga, Bronx African American History Project
Johnson, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
Jones, Geraldine, Bronx African American History Project
Jones, Pete and Blow, Kurtis, Bronx African American History Project
Journal of Multilingual Education Research
Karmon, Elias, Bronx African American History Project
Kef-Karma, Sheku, Bronx African American History Project
Keller, Bernard, Bronx African American History Project
Ketcham, Malik and Ketcham, Rose, Bronx African American History Project
Khoule, Manadou, Bronx African American History Project
Kogolo, Raymond, Jr., Bronx African American History Project
Kontihene, Bronx African American History Project
Lacte Christiano educatus: The symbolic power of nourishment in early Christianity, John David Penniman
Lake, Olivia, Bronx African American History Project
Latina New York: Feminist poetics and the Empire City, Li Yun Alvarado
Lawrence, Rosalind, Bronx African American History Project
Lewis, Doreen, Bronx African American History Project
Lightfoot, Joceyln, Bronx African American History Project
Lightfoot, Michelle and Lightfoot, Natasha, Bronx African American History Project
Ligon, Glenn, Bronx African American History Project
Literacy Work in the Reign of Human Capital [Table of Contents], Evan Watkins
Lovecidal: Walking with the Disappeared [Table of Contents], Trinh T. Minh-ha
Love in a Weighted World: On Christian Hegemony and White Supremacy, Jeannine Hill-Fletcher
Lyme Disease in the Northeast: Altered Ecosystems and Public Health Impacts, Elisa L. Russo
Magassa, Bandiougou and Fofana, Lassana, Bronx African American History Project
"Make up your mind in the moment": Language ideologies of multiple discourses and code-switching, Meredith Jeta Donovan
Mantilla, Ray, Bronx African American History Project
Mardah, Muhammad, Bronx African American History Project
Marshall, Gloria and Marshall, Ronald, Bronx African American History Project
Martin, Delores, Bronx African American History Project
Martinez, Danny Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Martinez, Danny Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Martinez, Tony, Bronx African American History Project
Martin, Nicholas, Bronx African American History Project
Martre, Patricia and Alfaro, Almilicar, Bronx African American History Project
McGee, Mildred Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
McGee, Mildred Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
McKay, Stephanie, Bronx African American History Project
McKinney, Todd and McKinney, Stephanie, Bronx African American History Project
Measuring Success: The Value of Our Work Can’t Always Be Captured in a Spreadsheet, Tom Radko, Mary Rose Muccie, Fredric Nachbaur, Mark H. Saunders, and Darrin Pratt
Melendez, Benjamin, Bronx African American History Project
Mercado, Albert, Bronx African American History Project
Merchant, Jimmy, Bronx African American History Project
Miller, Helen, Bronx African American History Project
Miller, Henry & Stephanie, Bronx African American History Project
Mills, Gloria Smalls, Bronx African American History Project
Mills, Kenneth, Bronx African American History Project
Mindfulness, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and executive dysfunction: An exploratory study, Katherine Bassell Crowe
Mission integrity: A case study of a Pontifical Catholic University entrusted to the Marist institute, Rogerio Mateucci
Modeling pathways to health behaviors of young-adult survivors of childhood cancer, Stefanie C Vuotto
Money and Marketing Problems: The Plight of Harriet Gouldsmith (1786-1863), a Professional Female Landscape Painter, Kathryn Moore Heleniak
Moral disgust as a transdiagnostic feature in obsessive-compulsive disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, Justin Michael Arocho
Morgan, Joan, Bronx African American History Project
Morris, Paula, Bronx African American History Project
Moss, Daphne, Bronx African American History Project
Motivating Black students through literature: Surveying juniors and seniors in a religious high school, Marcia Monique Pearce
Moving from tolerance to inclusion in Jesuit high schools: A matter of justice, Jane Elizabeth Bleasdale
Mulraine, Edward, Bronx African American History Project
Multicultural personality, cultural intelligence, everyday multicultural competence, and their relation to positive psychology factors, Kathryn Helen Rossbach
Murray, Elizabeth, Bronx African American History Project
Must God create a world? Aquinas's answer and Kretzmann's critique, Eric Dean Rapaglia
Nature Deficit Disorder and the Need for Environmental Education, Vanessa J. Dwyre
Navigating Producer-Consumer Convergence: Media Policy Priorities in the Era of User-Generated and User-Distributed Content, Philip M. Napoli
Necessary Paradigm Shifts in Bilingual Education: Rethinking Multilingual Literacy, A. Nevárez-La Torre
Nesbitt, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
New Approaches to the Late Medieval English Bedchamber, Rachel Erin Butcher
Newsum, Phil, Bronx African American History Project
New York City Graffiti Murals: Signs of Hope, Marks of Distinction, Patrick Verel
New York State Education Department Policies, Mandates and Initiatives on the Education of English Language Learners, Angela Carrasquillo, Diane Rodríguez, and Laura Kaplan
Nicholas, William and Nicholas, Margery, Bronx African American History Project
Nietzsche's Antichrist: The Birth of Modern Science out of the Spirit of Religion, Babette Babich
Nobile, Joe and Hewitt, Kim, Bronx African American History Project
Norman, Gene, Bronx African American History Project
Not Just a Bookstore: La Casa Azul Against Neoliberal Habitus and Gentrification, Kasey Michael Zapatka
Not just a brick in the wall: The desire for God and the challenge of consumer culture, Fred W Herron
'Nuisance control': The discourse of zoning and the modern American city, 1865-1916, Tara C Foley
Observing self-efficacy in kindergarten circle time and beginning reading, Catherine Lundquist
Ogbuisi, Chief Paul Okali, Bronx African American History Project
Old Kaspar: Pictorial Pacifism in the Napoleonic Period, Kathryn Moore Heleniak
Oluwasegun, Michael, Bronx African American History Project
On Making Public Policy with Publicly Available Data: The Case of U.S. Communications Policymaking, Joe Karaganis and Philip M. Napoli
On Malls, Museums, and the Art World: Postmodernism and the Vicissitudes of Consumer Culture, Babette Babich
On The Hallelujah Efect: Priming Consumers, Recording Music, and the Spirit of Tragedy, Babette Babich
On the mathematical coherence of psychiatric diagnostic categories: A framework for quantifying heterogeneity attributable to polythetic diagnostic criteria, Charles Mason Olbert
Orange, Joseph, Bronx African American History Project
Orange, Taur, Bronx African American History Project
Otibu, Johnson, Bronx African American History Project
Our Time: Existentialism in the Age of Fear, Michael S. Dauber
Outcomes of combined treatment: A person-centered study of patients receiving medication and psychotherapy for depression, Rachel Levine Baruch
Owens, Jimmy Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Owens, Jimmy Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Palina, Sarah, Bronx African American History Project
Parental Involvement in Municipal Schools in Chile: Why do Parents Choose to get Involved?, Taly Reininger
Parent-child interactions in children with temper outbursts: The role of expressed emotion and parental stress, Samantha Adelsberg
Parenting style as it relates to parenting stress and behavioral outcomes in children with autism, Patricia Clauser
Paris, Cecil, and Paris, Mazie and Paris, Arthur, Bronx African American History Project
Participation as Position and Practice: Rethinking Media Diversity and Policy in the Web 2.0 Era, Minna Aslama
Partis, Michael, Bronx African American History Project
Pastore, Vera Simpkins, Bronx African American History Project
Paving the way for Reagan: Journals of conservative opinion and the crystallization of Republican foreign policy 1964-1980, Laurence R Jurdem
Payne, Patricia and Russell, Marilyn, Bronx African American History Project
Peer victimization and non-suicidal self-injury: A pilot ecological momentary assessment study, Emily Hermanson Brackman
Perceived factors contributing to associate degree completion by African American males at a community college, Towuanna Porter Brannon
Perfectionism and achievement goals in high school students, Kimberly Banks Costello
Persistent and Emergent Diversity Policy Concerns in an Evolving Media Environment:Toward a Reflective Research Agenda, Philip M. Napoli
Petersen, Basil and Petersen, Eric and Petersen, Ishma, Bronx African American History Project
Phagocytic Cup Assembly During Rod Outer Segment Phagocytosis By The Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Yingyu Mao
Philosophical ethics: Aristotle's method and a Gadamerian appropriation, Carlo DaVia
Phylogenetic uncertainty in ectoparasitic fish (Characiformes: Distichodontidae), Claire McKay Flynn
Pita, Dorothy, Bronx African American History Project
Porco, Ettore, Bronx African American History Project
Posttraumatic growth in people living with HIV/AIDS: Psychological, spiritual and physical health-related outcomes, Jeremy J Eggleston
Potential moderators of masculinity ideology and health risk in college Black men, Hugh Tullos Love
Powell, Morgan, Bronx African American History Project
Power, multicultural competence, and trainees' preparation for treating survivors of torture: A qualitative inquiry, Jessica Irene Harbaugh
Predictive factors for mental health help seeking and academic help seeking in emerging adults, Noreen A Stewart
Prevalence of Personality Disorders in Criminal Offenders: A Meta-Analysis, Ashley Pierson
Properties of Philippine remittances: An econometric analysis, Brian L Belen
Prototyping the Environmental Impacts of 3D Printing: Claims and Realities of Additive Manufacturing, Valerie B. Meyer
Pruitt, Henry, Bronx African American History Project
Pruitt, James Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Publication Description & Guidelines for Submission
Public Spheres, Networked Publics, Networked Public Spheres?: Tracking the Habermasion Public Sphere in Recent Discourse, Minna Aslama and Ingrid Erikson
Pure Act: The Uncommon Life of Robert Lax [Table of Contents], Michael N. McGregor
QUAE SUPERSUNT sema polyphemou: a case of paraleipsis in the argonautica of apollonius rhodius1, Andrew Foster
Questell, Americo and Connie, Bronx African American History Project
Racial microaggressions, racial identity, social support, and belonging of Black psychology doctoral students, Allyson Kelley Regis
Ramsey, Andrea, Bronx African American History Project
Readers' affective reactions and responses when engaged in the literary reading of sequential art, Brian Christopher Kelley
Ready for La Escuela: School Readiness and the Languages of Instruction in Kindergarten, Zoila Tazi PhD
Realizing the Witch: Science, Cinema, and the Mastery of the Invisible [Table of Contents], Richard Baxstrom and Todd Meyers
Recognizing the spirit: An ecclesial pneumatology, Kathryn L Reinhard
Recruiting a diverse teaching force in New York City public schools, Shannon Renee Waite
Redlining the Green: Environmental Racism and Justice in the Bronx, Kelsey Vizzard
Religious coping as a mediator between God attachment and mental health among Korean immigrants, Choong Yuk Kim
Renwick, Evril, Bronx African American History Project
Resilience of Israeli soldiers in transition from military to civilian life: A phenomenological study, Batya S Rotter
Rethinking Media Pluralism and Communicative Abundance, Kari Karppinen
Rhoden, Everard, Bronx African American History Project
Rising out of the gap: Early adolescent black males and academic success, Eartha May Hackett
Risk assessment and case planning by juvenile probation officers: The role of trauma, Evan David Holloway
Roberts, Beverly, Bronx African American History Project
Robinson, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
Rodriguez, Angel, Bronx African American History Project
Rodriguez, Felix, Bronx African American History Project
Role of Caveolin-1 in Phagolysosomal Digestion by The Retinal Pigment Epithelium, Saumil Sudhir Sethna
Rollins, Joseph Metz, Bronx African American History Project
Rooks, Valerie, Bronx African American History Project
Sabato Rodia's Towers in Watts: Art, Migrations, Development (Appendices B-D), Luisa Del Giudice
Sabb, George and Mubarak, Naeme, Bronx African American History Project
Salem, Fatima Naik, Bronx African American History Project
Sall, Gilda, Bronx African American History Project
Sanchez, Ivan, Bronx African American History Project
Sanderson, Shelley, Bronx African American History Project
Scatter 1: The Politics of Politics in Foucault, Heidegger, and Derrida [Table of Contents], Geoffrey Bennington
School administrators' views of the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) in New York City, Paulette Deborah Coppin
Scott, John L., Bronx African American History Project
Scroggins, Renee, Bronx African American History Project
Seeds of communist triumph: How Truman and Eisenhower set the stage for US failure in Vietnam, James John Reynolds
Senghor, Olivia, Bronx African American History Project
Service engagement among patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders: Examining the role of insight and executive functioning, Jesse Barglow
Seymone, Robert, Bronx African American History Project
Silverman, Carol, Bronx African American History Project
Silvers, Cleo Interview 1, Bronx African American History Project
Silvers, Cleo Interview 2, Bronx African American History Project
Simmons, Victoria, Bronx African American History Project
Singleton, David G., Bronx African American History Project
Smith, Candace, Bronx African American History Project
Smith, Carolyn & Jack, Bronx African American History Project
Social-emotional development in emerging adulthood: Factors related to social adjustment in college, Angela Marie Trapani
Soumahoro, Maboula and Karima Zerrou, Bronx African American History Project
Spatial and genetic analyses of Africa's sacred crocodile: Crocodylus suchus, Seth William Cunningham
Spatial and temporal patterns of genetic variation in native and introduced populations of the Nile monitor (Varanus niloticus), Stephanie Ann Dowell
Statewide study of school public relations personnel: Roles, responsibilities, relationships, and budget vote outcomes, Catherine Knight
Steps for Uploading Your Thesis Paper, Jeremy Watson
Stevens, Ruth, Bronx African American History Project
Stokes, Daphne, Bronx African American History Project
Survey of elementary reading assessments for children who are deaf or hard of hearing, Gary Wellbrock
Swain, Matthew, Bronx African American History Project
Swerdlow, Marian, Bronx African American History Project
Tale of two cities: UK and USA vocational school leaders' perceptions and experiences, Joseph O'Brien
Teacher-child relationships, classroom emotional climate, and elementary students' social-emotional and academic development, Christina L Rucinski
Teachers' perspectives on classroom climate and teacher outcomes, Melissa Marie De Feo
Teaching with primary sources: The overlap between historical thinking and critical literacy, Susan Pellecchia
Technical Practice and Identity Work in Democratic Media Activism, Christina Dunbar-Hester
Temporal and spatial dynamics of the internal microbial community of an important disease vector, the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis ), Christine Patricia Zolnik
Testing the effects of observational learning theory on teaching behavior and collegiality, Kathleen Therese Lavin
The accountability role of middle school assistant principals: Relating to teachers and students, Neifi Jose Acosta
The Algorithm as Institution: Toward a Theoretical Framework for Automated Media Production and Consumption, Philip M. Napoli
The Amazing Adventures of Bob Brown: A Real-Life Zelig Who Wrote His Way Through the 20th Century [Table of Contents], Craig Saper
The Asian Rice Export Market: An Export Pricing Model That Examines the Impact of Commodities Market Speculation on Prices, Frank Canovatchel
The Case for Title II: Handicapping the Next Network Neutrality Judicial Ruling, Mark Cooper
The coupled impact of conflict and imprecision from multiple forecasts, Daniel Benjamin
The effects of social comparison and disgust on evaluating appearance related stimuli in body dysmorphia, Lauren M Mancusi
The Ethnography of Rhythm: Orality and Its Technologies [Table of Contents], Haun Saussy
The Future of Journalism is not in the Past: Reframing the Debate Over how to "Save" Journalism, Mark Cooper
The Human and Environmental Effects of CBRN Weapons, Brendan M. Doran
The impact of elaborative interrogation training on academic achievement and metacognitive awareness, Samantha Rosemary Turco
the impact of governance change on principal leadership: The new Catholic school academy model, Evette Marie Ngadi
The impact of weight stigma on decisions about weight loss surgery, Joseph Black Giardino
The Importance of Play, Laura V. Douglas
The Influence Of Epidermal Fatty Acids On The Growth Of Pseudogymnoascus Destructans: The Fungus That Causes White-Nose Syndrome, Rebecca Elizabeth Ravenelle
The Interstate Highway System and Environmental Justice: Disproportionate Environmental Impacts on Low Income and Minority Communities, Dylan T. Katz
The Languages of Labor in the Works of John Gower, Sarah O'Brien
The Lincoln Assassination: Crime and Punishment, Myth and Memory, Harold Holzer, Craig L. Symonds, and Frank J. Williams
The Local People Meter, the Portable People Meter, and the Unsettled Law and Policy of Audience Measurement in the U.S., Philip M. Napoli
The Long Road Called Goodbye (EXCERPT), Charlotte A. Akin
The Matter of Voice: Sensual Soundings [Table of Contents], Karmen MacKendrick
The Melody of Love, Andrew Albin
The ‘New’ Heidegger, Babette Babich
The New York City Join-A-School Partnership Program: Impacts, outcomes, implications. A case study, Norma Crown
Theological anthropology, human animality, and the human-animal distinction: A constitutive knot in ecological degradation, Eric Daryl Meyer
Theory at Yale: The Strange Case of Deconstruction in America [Table of Contents], Marc Redfield
The personality sequelae of child maltreatment in drug and alcohol dependent male veterans, Joseph Stephen Ruggiero
The politics behind economic development in New York City: Who influences the ULURP process, Alexa J Dvorak
The Possibility of the Gift, Bruno Cassara
The president/principal model of school leadership in Catholic schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ivan Lovric
The Psychological Impact of English Language Immersion on Elementary Age English Language Learners, Elena B. Parra, Carol A. Evans, Todd Fletcher, and Mary C. Combs
The relationship between trauma and transdiagnostic features of anxiety and depression, Joseph Brand
Theresa, Loretta, Bronx African American History Project
The role of emotion dysregulation in non-suicidal self-injury among treatment seeking adolescents, Blair W Morris
The role of higher education in precollege preparation for underrepresented students, Bernadette Brunhuber Tiernan
The Social Justice Project: The Art of Change, Geoffrey Hillback
The Troubles in Northern Ireland, John Francis Cancellieri
The Ubiquity of Hermeneutics, Babette Babich
The Ville: Cops and Kids in Urban America, Updated Edition [TABLE OF CONTENTS, FOREWORD, PREFACE], Greg Donaldson
Think, Pig! Beckett at the Limit of the Human [Table of Contents], Jean-Michel Rabate
Thomas Aquinas and two problems for free choice, Brendan Blanchard Palla
Thome, Marie, Bronx African American History Project
Tortured Zionism: Messianism, ambivalence, and Israel in post-Holocaust Jewish American literature, Elana Hornblass Dushey
Traditions of Eloquence: The Jesuits and Modern Rhetorical Studies [APPENDIX], Cinthia Gannett and John Brereton
Transferential Poetics, from Poe to Warhol, Adam Frank
Trouble in Paradise: How the California Drought is Affecting Vineyards and the Wine Industry, Sarah Gonsier
Tullis, Mercy, Bronx African American History Project
Two Activities for Multlingual Students: Learning in Monolingual Classrooms, David Schwarzer and Christian Acosta
Validity and clinical utility of the Autism Mental Status Exam, Brianna Jordan Lewis
Victorian collections and British nationalism: Vernon, Sheepshanks and the National Gallery of British Art, Kathryn Moore Heleniak
Wade, Chrystal, Bronx African American History Project
Wallace, Kojo, Bronx African American History Project
Walters, Delores, Bronx African American History Project
War, Kyle Pritz
Washington, Valerie, Bronx African American History Project
Wattly, Wayne, Bronx African American History Project
"We out here": Skateboarding, segregation and resistance in the Bronx, Katherine Elizabeth White
When peace is pieces and war is wonderful an examination of narratives around violence, power and humanitarian aid a case study of south Sudan, Ferdinand von Habsburg-Lothringen
White Eagle, Black Madonna: One Thousand Years of the Polish Catholic Tradition [Table of Contents], Robert E. Alvis
“Who do you think you are?” On Nietzsche’s Schopenhauer, Illich’s Hugh of St. Victor, and Kleist’s Kant, Babette Babich
Why don't voters 'Put the Gini back in the bottle'?, Brandon Pecoraro
Wilkes, Quinton, Bronx African American History Project
Williams, Veralyn, Bronx African American History Project
Winsor, George, Bronx African American History Project
Women's health: Associations among body hair removal, appearance concerns and behaviors, and sexual health, Stephanie L Grossman
Yartel III, Nan, Bronx African American History Project