Date of Award

Spring 5-11-2012

Degree Type



Dr. Mark Naison


In this study, I argue that the oversupply of parking in New York City promote private care ownership and defeat attempts of accepting cycling as a viable mode of transport. Overabundant parking also actively rakes away from public areas and urban aesthetics, often increasing carbon footprint and traffic congestion and denying the city its opportunity to develop into the walkable urban environment envisioned by PlaNYC2030. Copenhagen was able to realize the importance demand for the automobile cannot continue to thrive alongside pedestrianized design. With existing means of parking management, parking design and perking incentives that will reduce demand for parking and encourage cycling among other modes of transport. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied and carries out through interviews, archival research, and GIS attitudes, bicycle infrastructure, and parking design, this new project will explore the polarization and conflict that exists between New York City' s car culture and it competition as a bicycle city by highlighting the effective parking and cycling policies that exist in Copenhagen.

Included in

Urban Studies Commons
