"Millennial Teachers' Perceptions of the Role of Principals in New Teac" by Elizabeth Fay

Millennial Teachers' Perceptions of the Role of Principals in New Teacher Induction

Elizabeth Fay, Fordham University


The teaching profession is often referred to as a revolving door. Educators are leaving the profession in droves, plaguing the United States with a continuous teacher shortage. As a result, educational leaders are faced with the challenge of retaining teachers to establish and maintain a stable teaching workforce that ensures students receive a quality education. This study utilized semi-structured interviews to explore the experiences of novice teachers, specifically those belonging to the millennial generation, with teacher induction. The purpose of this case study was to learn more about how millennial teachers view the role their principal played in the induction process they experienced following hiring. Specifically, did they perceive that their principal oriented them in a manner that facilitated their success in the profession and that met their needs as millennials? This study provided a better understanding of issues pertaining to teacher retention. The researcher identified key themes and framed findings through Occupational Socialization Theory, which states that novice teachers must engage in structured, sense-making experiences in order to internalize their role as educators and to understand the subculture of their organization.

Subject Area

Educational leadership|Educational administration

Recommended Citation

Fay, Elizabeth, "Millennial Teachers' Perceptions of the Role of Principals in New Teacher Induction" (2018). ETD Collection for Fordham University. AAI10815710.
