"Climate and Crisis: Environmental Degradation and Humanitarian Disaste" by Talia Macauley and Environmental Studies


As one of the largest humanitarian conflicts in the world, the situation in Darfur, Sudan continues to be characterized by a growing ethnically driven conflict, by a persistent number of displaced persons, and most importantly—at least for the sake of this thesis—by a widespread and significant number of environmental issues. While the former two characteristics seem to be at the forefront of humanitarian assistance programs, the latter is severely lacking in both acknowledgement and incorporation by the aid sector. In an effort to make apparent the need to incorporate environmental issues into humanitarian projects, this thesis uses the United Nations Environment Program’s 2006 country report on Sudan to assess the current quantitative state of the environment in Sudan while simultaneously using their 2011 Country Evaluation Report of Sudan to assess the current numbers on displacement and assistance present in the country. Using a historical recap of Darfur’s environment, alongside a political analysis of land use in the region, and an assessment of humanitarian organizations present in Darfur, this thesis places the environment at the center of this conflict while also calling for it to be at the center of any proposed solutions. The current data and history of the environment, the environmental aspects of the political situation in Darfur, and the lack of environmental impact by aid organizations is used to assert the notion that increased environmental programming is necessary in Sudan if the conflict and its aftermath are to truly move towards mitigation. Based on this finding, the final section of this thesis suggests a policy for long standing aid actors in Darfur that will ensure an interest in the environment and in the mainstreaming of environmental issues as a driver of conflict and thus as essential to any effective solutions.
